Purpose in Life and Reasons for Living as Mediators of Suicidal Ideation


  • Roopa, M Prof & Head, Dept. of Psychology, The IIS University, Jaipur
  • Kabra, V Research Scholar, The IIS University, Jaipur


purpose in life, reason for living, suicidal ideation


Positive psychological factors play a vital role in coping with the overwhelming life situation. Any worst happening results from worst ideation or thoughts. Similarly suicide is the final product of the suicidal ideation. Suicidal. There may be a feeling of bleakness and an erroneous assumption that taking one’s own life might be the answer. Compared to suicide risk factors, factors that may buffer stressors and protect individuals from suicide have received less attention. Purpose in Life and Reasons for Living are the protective psychological factors which directly affect suicidal ideation. Purpose or meaning in life contributes to the wellbeing and helps protect against depression and consequently indirectly against suicidal ideation. Reasons for living are another protective factor that has been shown to help shield individuals from negative thoughts and actions. It is considered that psychological strengths like purpose in life and reasons for living play big prophylactic role in predicting suicidal ideation.


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